Year 3 Spelling routines
Each week year 3 will take part in a ‘we haven’t practised yet’ spelling quiz (cold test) every Friday with the spelling list for the following week. The children’s spellings will be set according to their baseline score for the cold test. This will include upping the challenge or making the words more accessible for some learners.
Throughout the week, learners will take part in spelling tasks and activities, practise at home, and access online resources and games to enhance their learning
The following Thursday the children will take part in the ’hot’ spelling quiz, where they will develop the skill to self monitor their own progress, begin to develop a sense of resilience and personal achievement.
Year 3 learners will record their new spelling words in their spelling journal every Friday and bring their journal home. Journals should be brought to school every Friday.
Updated 11.10.24
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