2 Wish
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When a family loses a child or young adult the effects are devastating for all who knew and loved them. It is important that support is available if and when required.
It is important families know that they are not alone and that the feelings they are experiencing are often normal. It is important that there is communication between the family, hospital staff and members of the police force so families understand what is going to happen in the days and weeks following their loss.
2wish support anyone affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a child or young person aged 25 and under.
- Families – We support the whole family, not just the immediate family, to ensure that every family member who is affected by the loss of the child or young person is supported and able to access our support and services.
- Individuals – We don’t just support families. We feel it is important to ensure anyone affected by the sudden death of a child or young person is supported as and when they need to be.
- Witnesses – Sadly, members of the public often witness, or are the first person to find a young person after they have died and it is a traumatic and scary experience. We will offer support to those witnesses and ensure they are supported to process their experience and feelings around the death.
- Professionals – It may be assumed that because a professional encounters death as part of their job role, they are ‘used to it’ and it ‘doesn’t affect them’. However, we know this is not necessarily the case. We provide support to any professional who has ever been affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a child or young person.
- Historic deaths – We don’t put a time frame on bereavement and loss. Anyone affected by the sudden death of a child or young person, even if the death occurred many years ago, can access our support and services.
Sadly, 2wish cannot support everyone. We are governed by strict criteria set out by the Charity Commission. If you have been affected by stillbirth or miscarriage, please look at the useful contacts page.
2wish will support:
- The family of a child or young adult who has died suddenly or unexpectedly — A child is someone under the age of 18 and a young adult is aged 25 years and under.
- The child or young person who has died must be Welsh, must have resided in Wales or the death must have occurred in Wales.
2wish works within the guidelines of the PRUDiC document produced by Public Health Wales.
This document also explains what is meant by an unexpected death.
We aim to provide our support services to best meet your needs and language of choice. We have Welsh speaking members of staff who can deliver our Immediate Support Services.
Counselling, play therapy & complementary therapies are currently offered through the medium of Welsh where there are available counsellors and therapists. If you would like to receive support through the medium of Welsh please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Need Support?
If you require support after suddenly losing your child or know someone else who is struggling with their loss then please get in touch by contacting us: