Reception - Derbynfa
Welcome to the Reception Noticeboard
We hope you find the following information and photographs useful for keeping up to date with what is happening in your child's class.
Our current topic for the Spring Term is 'Let's Celebrate.' We will be looking at different celebrations across the world and comparing them. Our focus will be weddings and we look forward to experiencing a Christian wedding at Sketty Community Church in the next few weeks. We will also be learning about Chinese New Year, St David's Day and Easter.
Please check back each week for updates.
PE - Fridays
SKIP club - After school on Thursdays
A few reminders, please could you...
1. Label children's clothes clearly, especially jumpers and coats.
2. Label water bottles.
3. Supply a spare set of clothes in a separate bag to leave in school in case of accidents. Please could the bag be labelled, carrier bags are fine.
4. Bring a pair of labelled wellies that you are happy to leave in school.
The children have a fruit snack twice a day. As we are a healthy and nut free school, can you only provide fruit as a snack. Please make sure the fruit/pots are labelled as well.
Information and letters
What have we been learning in class this week?
WB 6th January 2025 (Updated 10th January 2025)
Language, Literacy and Communication
| Drawing Club: Elmo’s New Years Resolution
WALT: 1) I can develop an awareness that my decisions can affect me. 2) I am beginning to use appropriate language to talk about events in the future.
Activity: Write New Years Resolution (Mr Marker skills)
Literacy provision this week: Mark making area
Reading and Oracy
Role-play area
Welsh WALT: N/A
Activity: N/A
Cornel Cymraeg:
Patrwm yr wythnos
| |
Numeracy and Mathematics
| WALT: Combine two groups of objects to find out how many altogether
Activity : 1) Practical activity 1: Whole class plenary and re-cap. Play Topmarks game robot addition, use a whiteboard alongside playing the game to show how pupils can work out the answers when playing independently. E.g. if question is 5 + 3, draw 5 objects + 3 objects = count altogether and write answer.
2) Combine two groups to find out how many altogether. As a group, pick a number card to start, each pupil counts that number of objects out.
Maths area
Maths provision this week: Indoors
Weekly Achievements
Each week during assembly, we present certificates for Good work (Gwaith da), Positive Values and speaking Welsh.
This week's award winners:
Reception KE/SLJ | Reception AB | |
Gwaith da
| Mabel
| N/A
Positive Values
| Dax
| N/A
Siarad Cymraeg
| N/A
| N/A
Seren yr Wythnos
| Mollie
| N/A
Important Dates
Please visit the school calendar here and subscribe to 'Reception' and 'Whole School' events.
Below are some of the upcoming events:
- Wedding experience at Sketty Community Church - Tuesday 21st January
- Dogs Trust Workshop - Friday 24th January
- Wear Orange for Older Adults - Wednesday 29th January
- Classroom Sharing - Wednesday 5th February
- Safer Internet Day - Tuesday 11th February
- Valentine's Disco - Thursday 13th February
- Welsh Fortnight begins - Monday 17th February
- Last Day of Half Term - Friday 21st February
- Back to School - Monday 3rd March
- Welsh Fortnight continues - Monday 3rd March
- St David's Day Eisteddfod - Friday 7th March
- World Book Day - Monday 10th March
- Comic Relief - Friday 14th March
- Parents Evening Week - WB 17th March
- World Water Day - Friday 21st March
- Autism Awareness Day - Wednesday 2nd April
- Last day of Spring Term - Friday 11th April
- Start of Summer Term - Monday 28th April