Reception - Derbynfa
Welcome to the Reception Noticeboard
We hope you find the following information and photographs useful for keeping up to date with what is happening in your child's class.
Our current topic for the Autumn is 'Once Upon a Time' We will be looking at different fairy tales and carrying out a range of activities across all areas of learning, led by the children's ideas in POP (Planning our Provision) time. We will also be completing baseline assessment activities at the start of term which will give us a clear picture of where your child is with their learning and what their next steps are to move them forward.
Please check back each week for updates.
PE - Fridays
SKIP club - After school on Mondays
A few reminders, please could you...
1. Label children's clothes clearly, especially jumpers and coats.
2. Label water bottles.
3. Supply a spare set of clothes in a separate bag to leave in school in case of accidents. Please could the bag be labelled, carrier bags are fine.
4. Bring a pair of labelled wellies that you are happy to leave in school.
The children have a fruit snack twice a day. As we are a healthy and nut free school, can you only provide fruit as a snack. Please make sure the fruit/pots are labelled as well.
Information and letters
What have we been learning in class this week? - WB 2nd September 2024
(Updated 6th September 2024)
Language, Literacy and Communication
| WALT: N/A Activity: N/A
Literacy provision this week: Mark making area
Reading and Oracy corner:
Role-play area
Welsh Cornel Cymraeg:
Patrwm yr wythnos
Numeracy and Mathematics
| WALT: N/A Activity:
Maths area
Maths provision this week: Indoors
Science and Technology
| Science/Investigation Area
ICT Area
Health and Wellbeing
Expressive Arts
| Art
Creative area
Important Dates
Please visit the school calendar here and subscribe to 'Reception' and 'Whole School' events.
Below are some of the upcoming events:
- Roald Dahl Day - Friday 13th September 2024
- Immersion Day for our new topic - Monday 16th September 2024