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Sketty Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti

Be the best you can be!

Gwnewch eich gorau glas!

Year 2 - Blwyddyn 2

Welcome to the Year 2 Noticeboard

Croeso I Blwyddyn 2




We hope you find the following information and photographs useful for keeping up to date with what is happening in your child's class. 


Our current topic for the Summer Term is 'The Enchanted Woodland' 


Please check back each week for updates. 


PE - Tuesday and Wednesday


Fun club - Monday


Weekly times tables tests on a Thursday.


Weekly spelling tests on a Friday.



A few reminders, please could you...

1. Label children's clothes clearly, especially jumpers and coats.
2. Label water bottles.
3. Bring a pair of labelled wellies that you are happy to leave in school.

The children have a fruit/veg snack every morning play. As we are a healthy and nut free school, can you only provide fruit/veg as a snack. Can you please make sure the fruit/pots are labelled clearly. 



Please check back each week for updates. 





What have we been learning in class this week?


Week Beginning 8.7.24


Updated - 12.7.24 



Language, Literacy and Communication

Literacy focus
- We have been learning to write our talk for writing text 'The roundabout land', and using a variety of punctuation including speech marks.


Welsh literacy focus

- We have been learning to have a conversation using key phrases.


Class novel

-The enchanted wood by Enid Blyton



Reading carousel

- Group reading/ RWI 

- Spelling tests

- Online reading assessments


Numeracy and Mathematics


Maths focus

- We have been learning to use a variety of coins and to add amounts together.
- We enjoyed selling products at our enterprise Honeywood Market.



- Times table tests


Health and Wellbeing



-Seren yr wythnos


-PE - Gross motor skills (SKIP)



- Kerbcraft





Expressive Arts


- Sharing our favourite parts of Year 2 in our class assembly and performing songs and stories through talk for writing.



Science and Technology

- We have been learning about the life cycle of a bee.







- We have been learning about bees and how they are important for our environment.





Meet The Teacher Powerpoint September 2022


Important Dates


Please visit the school calendar here and subscribe to 'Year 2' and 'Whole School' events.




For more information visit the Latest News page

Year 2 Staff