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Swansea Parent Carer Forum

Welcome to our January Newsletter! 

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year and thank you for your support during 2024. We apologise for not getting our monthly newsletter sent out in December, but as you know us parent carers have to juggle many things at once and unfortunately it was our newsletter that we dropped. To make it up, welcome to our early January newsletter!

It was lovely meeting new faces at our coffee mornings  and events last year and we hope that you have found them welcoming, informative and relaxing.

We kick of the New Year with our first coffee morning of 2025 on Friday 10th January 10 to 12 at a new venue in the city centre Collaboration station, St Davids's Shopping centre, Swansea SA1 1AJ
followed by
  • Monday 17th February 10 to 12 Valley Early Help Hub Stadwen Bethel Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9QP
  • Wednesday 19th March 10 to 12 Collaboration station, St David's Shopping centre, Swansea SA1 1AJ
  • Monday 7th April 10 to 12 Valley Early Help Hub Stadwen Bethel Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9QP
  • Wednesday 7th May 10 to 12 Manselton Community Centre
  • Wednesday 11th June 10 to 12 Manselton Community Centre
Also look out on our Facebook group for a couple of events we are hosting for parent carers in the new year
  • ‘How to cope when your young person isn't’ 19th February
  • Digital Resilience online workshop12th March

Some of the places we have been influencing positive change in the last month

  • Extraordinary Carers Partnership Board Meeting
  • Steering and Advisory Board 1 (Communities and Older People)
  • West Glamorgan Carers Liaison Forum
  • Upper Valleys Carer’s Pharmacy Pilot Project
  • Bishop Vaughan School
  • Gwyrosydd Primary School
  • Swansea PCF Coffee Morning
  • CAMHS away day

If you would like to know more about any of the above or want to let us know how services impact your family do get in touch with us at

Updates from the Regional Partnership Team on the work of Steering and Advisory Board 3 includes:

Neurodiverse Programme
The Neurodiverse Programme is continuing with developing an all-age Regional Neurodiverse Strategy which will take a needs-led, person-centred approach to supporting neurodiverse people and their families (whether they have undergone formal assessments, or not).
A coproduction group will be convened, including key stakeholders and those with lived experience to plan our approach to engagement in the coming months, taking into consideration the best methods on how we engage with people who are neurodiverse. We have been busy mapping stakeholders, including existing networks, organisations, stakeholder groups and other partnership forums who will play a key role in informing and coproducing the regional strategy.
Children and Young People Programme
The ‘Transition from Child to Adult Services (CYP Complex Needs)’ workstream have now developed an agreed set of Regional Principles and Standards that will improve partnership working between Child and Adult Services, improving multi-agency collaboration, decision making and planning
The ‘Improved Access to Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Support for Children and Young People’ workstream have been progressing with the development of the regional ‘No Wrong Door’ model. The purpose of this work is to create an integrated and streamlined access route to health, community and social care services for all children and young people and their families. This would mean a ‘First Contact, Right Response’ approach with the focus on presenting needs and what matters most.

We have recently updated our website to include our Review of the Year 2023 – 2024, following our AGM last month.  Why not make yourself a cup of tea, find a comfy seat and take a look at how the Forum, with the incredible support from our members, influenced positive change in Swansea last  year!
Also a reminder that our survey report can also be found on our webpage
Rights in Action: Supporting Carers’ Financial Wellbeing

Carers rights are fundamental, but rights without the means to realise these rights are not always helpful. In line with Carers Rights Day, 2024, All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers have collated the best information and advice available for increasing income and lowering costs for families. This information is gathered and sourced from the most up to date sources and serve as a central space for information on improving your own and families financial wellbeing.

All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers. - AWF have created a hub filled with top-quality information and advice to help families maximize income and reduce costs.
What you’ll find:
Guidance on boosting household income
Tips to cut unnecessary expenses
Trusted, up-to-date resources to improve your financial wellbeing
Explore the resources now: 
Following the successful launch gigs for Gig Buddies Cymru in Swansea, Neath and Port Talbot. Gig Buddies are now looking for new Gig Buddy volunteers and people with a learning disability and/or autism who would like a Gig Buddy. Gigs can be anything from music and theatre, to sport, drag, museums, country walks, cafes - it's whatever "your gig" is. Contact / 029 2068 1160 to find out more.

The Volunteering Hub website launched at the end of November and is aimed at adults with learning disabilities to support them to discover volunteering in an accessible way. It will be part of Innovate’s Insight App as well as having its own web address.
If you’d like to find out more about the Volunteering Hub project, please contact Libby Ball at Innovate Trust at
Proposed new model for Specialist Teaching Facilities (STFs) across Swansea

Following the recent consultation regarding the above proposal, the Consultation Response Report is now available on the link below:

This Consultation Report was taken to Cabinet on the 12th of December for a decision on whether to proceed to publish a statutory notice. The Cabinet resolved that the results of the consultation be fully considered, and approval be given to publish a statutory notice on the proposal to redesignate 25 STFs, change the specialism of 3 STFs, open 5 new STFs, expand 4 STFs and close 5 STFs in schools in Swansea. Any objections received during the statutory notice period be considered and the outcome of the proposal at its meeting on 20 March 2025 be determined.

At the end of November the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) updated their statistics on the employment of working-age (aged 16 to 64) disabled people in the UK.
These statistics relate to the employment of working-age (aged 16 to 64) disabled people in the UK. They provide context for the government’s long-term ambition to achieve an 80% employment rate.
Cerebra have published ‘Self-injury in children with intellectual disability’ a new comprehensive guide for parents on ‘Self-injury in children with intellectual disability’ in partnership with the Cerebra Network for Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
The Charity ADASS have made this short film looking at Parent Carer Blame:
Time Away is a UK wide charity providing whole family respite breaks for parent carers and their families. They aim to give families time and space together away from the challenges of their daily routine and the home environment. Until now, Time Away has primarily been supporting families caring for a child under the age of 5. However, recognising the need to support a wider range of families they are looking to extend the support they offer by providing breaks in specialist adapted properties or those catering for children with more challenging behaviour of any age. They are particularly keen to support families who haven’t been able to take a break because of the limitations of conventional holiday properties. For more information, visit
Nurturing Affective Care The guidance that NAC offers is on approaches that are backed by science to impact positively on emotional and mental wellbeing. Over the last 10 years or so there has been a growth in recognition and acceptance of body-based approaches to tend to our mental health needs. Many of these approaches do not require language and cognition and therefore people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities need not be excluded from their use.
Support if you think your child may have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder  guidance on the help available to parents or carers who think their child or young person may have an Autistic Spectrum Disorder is now available in Swansea.

Cerebra webinar “Countdown to Calm -A Child-Centred Approach to Sleep Support”  learn how to transform sleep routines using the CALM framework. Discover evidence-based strategies to support children with additional needs and empower families 25th January 12.30 to 1.30 to book visit
Did you know you can contact the Wales Learning Disability helpline by phone or email? If you need any support or information around this, contact the Wales Learning Disability Helpline by phone or email.
0808 8000 300

Welcome to our October Newsletter! 

We are looking forward to catching up with you face to face at our following events this Autumn.
  • Monday 11th November (online) Mental Capacity Act for parent carers 10 to 1130 (Teams link here)
  • Friday 15th November SPCF Coffee morning 10 to 12 @ Gorseinon Early Help Hub
  • Tuesday 10th December SPCF Coffee morning 10 to 12 @ Swansea Community Farm

    Update on the West Glamorgan regional Neurodiverse Programme:
    The Neurodiverse programme is continuing with developing an all-age Regional Neurodiverse Strategy which will take a needs-led, person-centred approach to supporting neurodiverse people and their families (whether they have undergone formal assessments, or not).
    They want to ensure that people who are neurodiverse and those who support them are able to tell them what matters to them so that they can develop and transform support and services that meet their needs. The plan that outlines how they will involve members of the neurodiverse community across Neath Port Talbot and Swansea to co-produce the engagement methods with key partners, including those with lived experiences. 
    Parent drop-in sessions will be available across Swansea and Neath Port Talbot in the coming weeks – these drop in sessions focus on sharing and signposting to resources and approaches which exist within services / communities.
    Swansea PCF will share these dates when we know more.
    If you would like to know more about any of the above or want to let us know how services impact your family do get in touch with us at

    A big thank you to all our parent carer members who completed our second Swansea PCF Big Survey last year. Hopefully you will have had the opportunity to have had a read. It was sent out all members on the 10th of October (World Mental Health Day) as we wanted to highlight our findings in relation to parent carers’ health and wellbeing. 
    Around nine in ten respondents told us that being a parent carer has affected their emotional wellbeing or mental health a great deal or to some extent.
    Eight in ten said that being a parent carer had affected their sleep a great deal or to some extent and three quarters that it had affected their relationships.
    Seven in ten said their role had affected their physical health.

    Despite the slightly younger age profile of this year’s survey respondents, there has been a substantial increase in the proportion of parent carers responding to the survey who have a disability or illness themselves.
    As in 2021 a third of parent carers said they are not coping at the moment.
    Some groups of parent carers are particularly likely to not be coping, including those with three or more children with additional needs, those with a disability or long-term illness and those also caring for someone other than their child.

    These findings highlight the ongoing high levels of need for support among parent carers, which will continue to be a central focus of SPCF’s work. If you missed the email you can access the full report findings [HERE].

    We will be sharing key findings with services in the coming months
    Local Area Coordinators are there for the whole community. A Local Area Coordinator walks alongside you and your community while you:
    • Make new connections and  friends
    • Get involved in groups and activities
    • Overcome personal challenges
    • Make your contribution to your community
    • Think about what your good life looks like
    How does it work?
    Anyone can meet with a Local Area Coordinator. You could meet them in your local area or through an introduction from someone else. You and your Local Area Coordinator will get to know each other on your terms, exploring your idea of a good life and plans to achieve it. The amount of times you meet really depends on what you want to achieve. They can help you to find out about your community and introduce you to friendly, helpful people within it. They can help you explore and build on your strengths and can support you to share your skills and gifts with others. They can help you connect with formal services if that is what you feel you need.

    You can find your local area coordinator [HERE]

    Each area has a Facebook page which has information on things going on in your local area 
    Gig Buddies Social Swansea Launch Party Come and Join us for live music Friday 22nd November 2024 7pm - til late Elysium, High St, Swansea

    Platfform have taken over the Swansea School Based Counselling service. They are recruiting more positions currently and will then have a clearer vision of what the service will look like and this will include developing bespoke training and workshops for school staff, parents / guardians, children and young people and also a Transition project as we know this is a tricky time for children to navigate.

    You are invited to Platfform HQ to meet the wellbeing service team and to find out more about our plans for the service. It’s also an opportunity for you to tell us what you would like to see, perhaps what has worked well in the past or something new you would love to see added! Please book via Eventbrite [HERE]. 

    Please select one date, either Thursday 7th November or Wednesday 20th November and come along anytime between 15:30 and 18:00


    Media Academy Cymru (MAC) Parallel Lives is a Welsh four-tiered approach to support families who are experiencing child to parent violence and/or abuse (APVA) in the home. APVA is when abuse and/or violence is carried out by a young person against their parent/carer. The young person can show patterns of behaviour that can escalate to instil control, fear and shame. The types of APVA that we can support include: physical, verbal, emotional and financial abuse.
    There are many families in Wales experiencing APVA and we are here to support your immediate needs and longer term behavioural change management. We offer support for both the parent/carers and the young person (aged 8-17 years old). Tel 02920667688
    For Parallel Lives enquiries please contact:

    Gower College Providing effective support for apprentices with additional learning needs
    Government reports consistently highlight employment disparity for individuals with disabilities. In 2022, 49% of individuals with a disability were employed, compared to 82 % of non-disabled individuals (Welsh Government, 2023). This is even more pronounced for people with learning difficulties. Reports also reflect disabled individuals’ employment rates were disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic (Welsh Government, 2021). This emphasised the need to make apprenticeships more accessible. Gower College Swansea reviewed and improved their approach to identifying and supporting apprentices with disabilities and those presenting with potential Additional Learning Needs (ALN); promoting the extensive support available to learners with disabilities, sensory impairments, ALN, and work/life-limiting health conditions. Many individuals have faced learning and work challenges without formal diagnosis or support until embarking on their apprenticeships.
    You can read what Estyn said [HERE}.
    New research has found that parent carers may be a high-risk group for suicide. More than 40% have thought about suicide, with some already having attempted suicide. Depression, dysfunctional coping, and feeling trapped in the caring role all increase the likelihood that parents of disabled children will contemplate suicide. This presentation will introduce you to the evidence on suicide risk in parent carers, explore the implications for policy and practice, and provide opportunities for you to discuss your own experiences of supporting at-risk parent carers. Understanding suicide risk in parents caring for disabled children 29 January | 13:00-14:00 Dr Siobhan O’Dwyer, University of Birmingham and Dr Dan Burrows, Cardiff University Register now!

    Learning Disability Wales Being Seen, Heard and Valued - now live autumn conference series on Learning Disabilities is now underway. Visit the conference webpage to watch a launch video with Learning Disabilities Wales CEO Zoe Richards, visit resources, and sign up for their webinars.

    Welcome to our September Newsletter! 


    We are looking forward to catching up with you face to face at our following events this Autumn.


    • Friday 4th October 10-12 SPCF Coffee morning @ Gorseinon Early Help Hub
    • Friday 15th November 10-12 SPCF Coffee morning @ Gorseinon Early Help Hub
    • Wednesday 23rd October 10-1230 Parents Protect - workshop around child sexual abuse and exploitation You can book for this [HERE]
    • Tuesday 10th December 10-12 SPCF Coffee morning @ Swansea Community Farm




    It’s World Mental Health Day on Thursday 10th October and Swansea Bay University Health Board (SBUHB) will be marking the day by holding a FREE event. The event is set to feature speakers, workshops and information stands from more than 60 services. In partnership with SBUHB, this poignant day will also celebrate the launch of both the tidyMinds and SortedSupported websites.
    SortedSupported and tidyMinds are mental health and wellbeing websites containing all the information you need, when you need it, all in one place. They provide resources, practical advice and signposting to local and national support. Information on SortedSupported is tailored to adults (18+) living in the Swansea, Neath and Port Talbot regions and tidyMinds focuses on children and young people. Additionally, both websites provide information for parents, carers and professionals to better understand and support individuals with their emotional wellbeing.
    SortedSupported is also in the process of developing specialist learning disability content for adults with learning disabilities and people who support them.
    The existence of both SortedSupported and tidyMinds means that no matter who you are, if you live in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot there is an online mental health and wellbeing resource readily available.
    Swansea Carers Centre will be relocating to new premises on October 10th, 2024.
    Services will be temporarily suspended during the move, but will resume on October 15th, 2024, at their new location.
    Swansea Carers Centre, Bethesda Chapel, 79 Prince of Wales Road, Swansea. SAI 2EX
    Tel: 01792 653344

    Swansea Parent Carer Forum are holding a Celebration & Information event at Swansea Arena on Tuesday 24th September.


    If you haven't (yet) booked your (free) tickets, now's your chance!


    Tickets can be booked via:


    We've been influencing positive change for 5 years now, and what better way to celebrate than to get parent carers and colleagues together!l


    The event will have interesting speakers, great entertainment,a  free buffet lunch, and fabulous information stands. A great chance to network, enjoy yourself, as well as find  out about organisations which offer support.


    The event runs from 9am until 3pm...

    Tea and coffee available from 9am

    Presentations and entertainment start at 10am prompt

    Buffet lunch approx 12.30

    Information stands available until 3pm


    We do hope you will want to book, as we can't wait to see you on the day!



    Tuesday 24th September 2024 at Swansea Arena




    Swansea Parent Carer Forum has been influencing positive change for 5 years now, and what better way to celebrate than to get parent carers and colleagues together!

    We are taking over Swansea Arena on Tuesday 24th September 2024, and we'd like you to join us!

    This event will have inspiring speakers, great entertainment, a delicious buffet lunch, and fabulous information stands. A great chance to network, enjoy yourself, as well as find out about organisations which offer support.


    Book here



    The event runs from 9am until 3pm

    Tea and coffee available from 9am
    Presentations and entertainment starting at 10am prompt.
    Buffet lunch approx 12.30
    Information stands available until 3pm

    We can't wait to see you on the day!



    Coming up in June - Accessing Public Services Workshop for parent carers
    The Accessing Public Services workshop (June 12th 10 to 2) supports parent carers in knowing how best to access the health, social care and education support services they are entitled to. To book a place on the workshop please click [here].


    ‘Your Say’ - Advisory Board Meeting
    Next Steps for newly diagnosed early years ND
    Participation & Engagement Children & Young People Workstream West Glamorgan

    Meeting with Welsh Government re Regional Integrated Funding
    Community of Practice Mental Health & Wellbeing
    If you would like to know more about any of the above do get in touch with us at
    This month we thought we would highlight the work of the Regional Wellbeing and Learning Disability Programme Board. To fully address the transformation of services for the learning disability population, the West Glamorgan Wellbeing and Learning Disability Programme was established in 2021, within the governance of the Regional Partnership Board. The programme is led by a Board where membership includes Third Sector organisations, people with lived experience, parent/carers, and representatives from Swansea Bay University Health Board, Swansea Social Services, Neath Port Talbot Social Services and Education.
    The first regional five-year Learning Disability Strategy for adults, living in Swansea and Neath Port Talbot is a regional response to the needs of adults with learning disabilities and describes the commitment to a long-term strategic mission for meeting their needs over the next five years within the context of national legislation and guidance, regional plans, and available resources. To read the strategy please follow the link below. 

    Short Breaks for Unpaid Carers
    Caring for someone can be exhausting, both mentally and physically a short break will enable you to have time to yourself while knowing that the person you care for is being well looked after by someone else. This break might be for a few hours a week, a few days a month, or even longer. The idea is to give you a chance to relax and have a well-earned break from your caring duties. Short breaks are sometimes referred to as ‘respite care’.
    If you don’t have family or friends who can help out, the first step is getting support – and a short break – is to ask your local council for a carer’s needs assessment. The type of support you receive will also depend on what is available in your area.
    Funded short breaks for unpaid carers in Wales
    Funded by Welsh Government, the Short Breaks Scheme is an initiative to support unpaid carers of all ages in Wales to take a break from their caring role. A short break is more than just a yoga class or an overnight stay in a hotel, it is a chance for carers to de-stress and recharge. It offers a break from the daily challenges of caring for a family member or friend.
    Types of short break
    There are different types of short breaks. The length and frequency of your short breaks will vary depending on your support needs and what you want to do in the available time.
    You may prefer short breaks on a regular basis, perhaps for a few hours at a time or overnight once a week; or you might want a fortnight’s break from your caring role to go on holiday. Not everyone needs the same level of support.

    Support for the cared-for person
    The idea of a short break is for you to relax in the knowledge that the person you care for is being well-looked after.
    This care provision will vary depending on the needs of the cared-for person and the duration of your short break. It may include:
    • someone caring for or ‘sitting with’ the person in their own home, including overnight
    • supporting the person to take part in day activities 
    • a temporary stay in residential care or an extra care scheme (or hospice if appropriate)
    • a temporary stay in an adult placement scheme
    • the cared-for person going on holiday where their care needs are supported
    Short breaks for the carers of disabled children
    If you are caring for a disabled child, you have the legal right to a break from caring under the Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children (Wales) Regulations.
    Local councils must now provide parents of disabled children with a short breaks services statement informing them what kind of short breaks are available.

    Breaks for young carers
    Young carers also need breaks from their caring commitments. There are young carers’ projects across Wales which organise leisure activities, trips and even holidays for young carers.

    Direct payments for short breaks
    As a carer, you have the right to receive direct payments for your own support needs. You can then use this money to make your own arrangements for a short break from your caring role when you need it.
    Carers UK has lots of information about short breaks for carers.

    Paying for a short break
    How you pay for a short break depends on the type of respite the cared-for person needs and their personal financial situation. If there is a charge, then the local council must follow financial guidelines about how the cared-for person’s income and capital is taken into account.
    Welsh Government have published their Unpaid carers delivery plan annual report 2023. The report sets out the progress made against their national strategy for unpaid carers. The report highlights Welsh Government  priorities and achievements from this past calendar year including:
    • the short breaks fund
    • the carers support fund
    • the carer aware programme
    • supporting carers with hospital discharge
    • the young carers ID card project
    You can read the full report here:[…]lKo0xgH_5GtopWIv_AvYbofrv8ExK0A8EjwGhqeo72ckNPAB-m3XJgqPOUY33u
    The Children’s Commissioner for Wales is asking school-aged children in Wales to share their views about play/break times. In her May Monthly Matter, the Commissioner is asking children whether they enjoy play/break time and what would make it better.
    Swansea Council’s new “Disability Networking Group”. This group aims to act as a central space for connecting individuals and organisations across Swansea, to provide a welcoming space to build relationships, share experiences, and collaborate. They plan to host social events and publish a partnership newsletter with valuable information and resources. Our goal is to give everyone a voice. We want to empower people, build meaningful relationships, and explore opportunities to drive positive change.
    You can sign up to their “Disability Networking Email” by clicking on the following link Disability Networking Group (DNG) - Swansea
    They have also developed a new “Community Engagement” section on Swansea Council’s website which we will be updated regularly Community engagement - Swansea
    Staff Contact Details are
    Beth Thomas -
    Mobile: 07814104816
    Kathryn Symmons - Kathryn Symmons (
    Mobile: 07557166038




    The Forum have recently signed up to Easyfundraising.

    It's a way of SPCF getting donations to support our work, and you can use it if you'd like to. All you have to do is sign up [here] and then use the Easyfundraising site when you buy from loads of online stores, including Amazon! This costs you no more than you would usually spend on what you buy, so we'd appreciate your support, if you are able.

    Save the date!
    A reminder that, as this year marks the 5th anniversary of the formation of Swansea Parent Carer Forum we will be celebrating all the fabulous parent carers in Swansea and everything the Forum have achieved so far on Tuesday 24th September at Swansea Arena. We hope you can join us.


      Some of the activities we have been involved in this month:


      • Play Theory & Advocacy
      • Swansea Poverty Partnership Forum
      • Play Network
      • Play Access Group
      • Catch up with Child & Family Services
      • Gower College
      • Task and finish group : supporting your child/adult through the diagnostic journey
      • Update on Post 16 implementation IDP Transfer to Further Education
      • Catch up with the Direct Payment Team
      • Llwyndrerw School ALN parents meet up
      • Autism Code of Practice Development Group
      • Swansea Volunteer Management Forum
      • Learning Disability Regional Intergration Funding Panel
      • West Glamorgan Regional Partnership Board
      • Extraordinary Neurodiverse Board: Funding meeting
      • Steering and Advisory Boards 1&2
      • West Glamorgan Neurodiverse Programme Board
      • Alliance Health Professionals Collaborative meeting
      • Gwent Parent Network
      • Wales Carer Poverty Focus Group for carers

      If you would like to know more about any aspect of our work or indeed would like to raise an issue do get in touch

      You may have seen from  the list of meetings we attend that the meeting below, under regional, was mentioned. We just thought that an explanation of what is discussed at the meeting might be of interest

      *Steering and Advisory Board 1 (SAB1) Update
      SAB1 met on Tuesday 2nd April and members received an update on the Carers Programme. A key outcome that’s made a real difference is the short breaks scheme, which was introduced last year following feedback from Carers who felt having the ability to apply for funding for a short break from their caring role would be hugely valuable. Grant funding was made available for both adults and Young Carers, who had the opportunity to apply for a funded short break tailored specifically to them and their personal needs and interests. This funding is due to be renewed for another year, and options on how it could be allocated are being explored.
      The topic of communications and engagement with Carers was also raised at SAB1, and plans are underway to arrange an annual event for Carers, along with a separate dedicated event for young Carers. A radio campaign to highlight the vital work of unpaid Carers is also in the pipeline, so please keep an eye (or ear!) out for that.

      We have been busy collating the findings from Swansea Parent Carer Forum Big Survey 2023 ( we will be sharing the report shortly ). One of the questions the survey asked was what training members would find helpful. As a result of your responses we applied for some funding to host Bladder & Bowel Health Workshop. Thanks to Austin Bailey Foundation we were able to run the workshop in April.
      Stolen Lives Homes Not Hospitals launched its petition to the Senedd at a packed protest on Wednesday 17th April supported by individuals, parents & self advocate voices. The Homes Not Hospitals protest has been organised by Stolen Lives, a group of families and carers calling for the release of people with a learning disability and/or autistic people from secure hospital settings in Wales.
      This is not a new issue, in 2020, just before the pandemic hit, the Welsh Government’s National Care Review highlighted that 166 people with a learning disability were having their care in hospital settings. The report made 70 recommendations, one of which states clearly that people should only stay in hospitals if there are no other ways to treat them safely.

      It is over 40 years since the pioneering All Wales Strategy was first published in 1983, which aimed to get people with a learning disability out of long stay hospitals and be supported to live in their local communities. However, today people with a learning disability and/or autism are still being sectioned and inappropriately placed in hospital settings simply because the right support is not available in their local area.

      People with a learning disability and/or autism should be able to receive the care and support they need in their communities whatever their needs, deserve homes not hospitals. You can read the Stolen Lives manifesto, including easy read versions, here: Stolen Lives blog.

      You can support this campaign by signing the petition.
      The Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) is conducting a Performance Evaluation Inspection in Swansea Council Adult Services from the end of April into May.  They are reviewing how well local authorities are discharging their statutory functions to keep people who need care and support, and carers who need support, safe and promote their well-being. The People Survey – Performance Evaluation Inspection can be found at: individual comments are confidential, however, they may be used to provide feedback to the local authority. If you would prefer to speak to someone  about your feedback contact 03007900126  or contact

      Support in the workplace for carers 

      A systematic review by the Department of Work and Pensions shows carers with health problems are more likely to exit employment. Those who provide intense levels of care are between two and three times more likely to also suffer from ill health. However, there is less understanding about the landscape of carer-friendly workplaces in the UK. The Carers Trust and Simplyhealth research will examine carers’ experience of balancing their health needs with employment, alongside what dedicated support exists nationally in the workplace to support their health and wellbeing.
      The research is being reviewed and shaped by unpaid carers. It launches with a survey for unpaid carers who have a health condition, looking at their experiences of applying to, and being in, paid work. A further survey with employers will be carried out at a later date, alongside interviews with both unpaid carers and employers to get an in-depth understanding of the issue.
      The research findings will be published later this year. They will lead to a set of recommendations for employers that will help them better understand what support is needed, while also helping unpaid carers balance caring with work.
      The survey is available to fill in at

      Track The Act As an unpaid carer are you accessing your rights? 

      Carers Wales are asking the carers of Wales, to tell us whether you have seen or received information about caring in your local community. Whether you have received advice to support you in your caring role and if you have been involved in activities and support run in your local community. We also would like to know about your experience with Carers' Needs Assessments and what kind of personal support you currently have as a carer.
      Most importantly, we want to know how you feel your rights are being enacted and how you would like to see carer provision supplied moving forward.

      Day Opportunities Review Report 

      A report published by the Association of Directors of Social Services (ADSS) Cymru into day opportunities since the pandemic has made 7 recommendations to improve service provision across Wales. Read the report here.

      Cerebra DLA Myth Buster aims to debunk common myths around Disability Living Allowance. Download the full Myth buster [here]



      Time To Unwind Coffee Mornings

      Please keep an eye out on our socials [here] for updates on our work.


      Following many requests from parent carers for us to host this workshop, we are pleased to have received funding from the Austin Bailey Foundation, and will be holding a Bladder & Bowel workshop on Tuesday 16th April. Very few spaces remaining! Book [here]. We will be running the always popular Accessing Public Services workshop with Cerebra again in June - look out for details after Easter.


      The Once for Wales Health Profile is designed to be used at all types of health care visits, including GP, optician, dentist and social care. It replaces communication tools, such as the hospital passport. There is a Profile for adults and for children and young people.


      The Health Profile will help people with learning disabilities to get good, safe healthcare at the time they need it. People with learning disabilities themselves, their families and carers as well as wide range of health professionals have been involved in its development and have informed the content and format. The profile will contain information about the person's health, care and support needs and communication.  It's available to download and print and there are accompanying guidance notes.


      The Carer's Leave Act comes into effect on 6 April 2024, every employer must be ready to support unpaid carers in their workplace. Carers UK are running training events during March to make sure employers understand the implications of this new legislation.  You can book [here]


      Families in England and Wales Warm Home Discount Scheme  Most families on lower incomes with higher energy costs are eligible for and automatically receive the payment as a £150 deduction from their fuel bill. Unfortunately, due to rule changes in December 2022, suppliers no longer have discretion to offer the discount to families who get disability benefits but no means-tested benefits.  You might receive a letter telling you to call a dedicated helpline to provide further evidence. This is so the government can decide whether or not if you qualify.  You can find out more about the scheme [here].  

      Carers UK have a new information phone service for carers who prefer not to use computers or the internet. Carers can call and listen to recorded information about help with finances and household costs, caring for people with specific health conditions, looking after yourself as a carer, ways to get more support. You can call their freephone telephone on 0800 888 6999 and follow the options Help to Stay is a Welsh Government scheme which offers support to Welsh homeowners who are in, or facing, financial difficulty in paying their mortgage. You can find out more [here]. Moving from DLA to PIP can be stressful for parent carers. Many worry that their disabled child's award could be downgraded when they face a totally new assessment system. Unlike DLA, PIP (Personal Independence Payment) is based on a scoring system. To increase your child's chances of getting the right 'score', it's important to understand how the DWP interprets certain words on the form. Contact have put together a dictionary explaining some key words.
      They also have a PIP Guide which contains detailed information on the scoring system, how to claim PIP, its effect on other benefits, and how to challenge decisions.

      2023 is drawing to a close and it gives us great pleasure to write our final newsletter of this year. Some of us will be looking forward to the Christmas break while others will undoubtedly find the next few weeks challenging.  It's a great opportunity to remind ourselves as parent carers to trust your instincts, we know our children better than anyone and you and your Christmas efforts are good enough! We will have a number of exciting announcements early in the New Year as 2024 is already promising to be a big year for influencing positive change. Our monthly coffee mornings continue in the new year with a venue change to Friends of the Young Disabled which is based on Camarthen Road in central Swansea. Keep an eye out on our socials [here] for updates on our work as we head into the New Year.



      If you would like to know more about any aspect of our work or indeed would like to raise an issue do get in touch


      You can find a comprehensive list of the food support options across Swansea [here]. Some of the main super markets still have schemes running which you might find helpful:
      • Asda has relaunched its £1 soup with a roll and unlimited tea or coffee for over 60s until the end of February 2024.
      • Morrisons has a permanent 'kids eat free' offer with every adult meal purchased over £4.49.
      • Sainsbury's has a 'kids eat for £1' scheme with the purchase of any adult hot main meal of at least £5.20 (during school term time).




        Swansea Parent Carer Forum



        We are a group of volunteer parent carers. Our children are involved with Children’s Services, Adult Services, Education and Health services.
        We work with but are independent of the City & County of Swansea, and we want to make sure that services meet the needs of disabled children*, young people, adults and their families.
        We believe passionately that working co-productively with Swansea Council and other service providers puts the voice of disabled children* of all ages and their families at the centre of decisions and delivers services that work for our community.
        Our vision is for Swansea to be a place where the voices of families are valued and effectively used to achieve an equitable and inclusive quality of life for our children* of all ages.

        Swansea Parent Carer Forum - SPCF WelshSubtitles V01 020322





        If you would like to pick up an information pack, please see Kath at the office, os contact Ishbel Hansen

        Swansea Parent Carer Annual General Meeting 2023



        We will be holding our Annual General Meeting online using Zoom to discuss and review our work during 2022-2023:  

        Date: Wednesday 29th November 2023

        Time: 7PM


        Here is the link to join the meeting