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Sketty Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti

Be the best you can be!

Gwnewch eich gorau glas!

Year 4 - Blwyddyn 4

Welcome to the Year 4 Noticeboard




Hello! Shwmae!


Another busy and exciting week. The children are looking forward to their new year group and teachers. They have had the chance to meet them and talk about the topics. If you have any questions or worries then please don't hesitate to ask us. There will be a 'Meet the Teacher' at the start of the next academic year to help you and your child transition. 



Kind regards,

Year 4 Team.


Cofion cynnes,

Tîm Blwyddyn Pedwar





















What have we been learning in class this week?


Language, Literacy and Communication

Reading:  The Last Bear 

Numeracy and Mathematics

Profit and loss - shape - coordinates - translation

Science and Technology

Length of day and seasons investigation

Health and Wellbeing

Multi-sports and swimming LJ

Expressive ArtsCornets  and trombone performance at the Brangwyn Hall

Continents, countries and geographical vocabulary





Weekly Achievements








Gwaith Da (Good Work)Alice
Positive Values Maia



Gwaith Da (Good Work)


Positive ValuesJames




Home Learning



Our expectation are for the children to read daily at home. We check their reading records Tuesday and Thursday. Please help us monitor this by keeping this record up to date.



Sumdog activities will also be set on a regular basis Friday. Each time these are set, the children have 1 week to complete these. Click on the icons below to get to the platforms.

Important Dates


Please visit the school calendar here and subscribe to 'Year 4' and 'Whole School' events.







12th AprilYear4 to start 6 weeks of swimming at Wales National Pool

22nd -24th 

Year 4 residential to Llangrannog.



3rd May 


20th May

Year 4/5/6 Sport's Day. Swansea University Track - by the National Pool

Year 4 Staff