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Sketty Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti

Be the best you can be!

Gwnewch eich gorau glas!

Year 5 - Blwyddyn 5

Welcome to the Year 5 Noticeboard


We hope you find the following information and photographs useful for keeping up to date with what is happening in your child's class. 


Our current topic for the Autumn Term is 'Escape!'. It is a topic that covers many of the skills from the Expressive Arts and the Humanities area of Learning from the Curriculum. 


At the start of our topic, the pupils took part in an Epic Planning session to share ideas of how they would like to lead their learning through this topic. This continues throughout the topic, to get the pupil's input in to our Mission planning


Please check back each week for updates.



Check out some of the learning experiences we have enjoyed in Year 5.

(Don't forget to scroll through as photos are added to the end of the slideshow!)



What have we been learning in class this week?

WB. 7/1/25 - 


Language, Literacy and Communication

Started work on recount writing, completing a cold task and prepositional phrases.

Year 5 have been using a range of first person patterns to create and solve Welsh Guess Who based on famous characters.

Siarad Cymraeg - Patrwn yr wythnos  

Started reading our new class novel - Wonder

Numeracy and Mathematics

Focus of fractions. This week we have started on equivelent fractions for unit and non unit fractions.

Science and Technology


Health and Wellbeing

PE days for year 5:

Y5WD - Swimming - Monday

Indoor - Monday

Friday - Outdoor (Weather dependent)

Please wear your P.E kit to school on these days.

Expressive Arts

Started to look at graffiti writing, using the hook of negative graffiti to discuss the ethics and the impact it has.


Started to look at graffiti writing, using the hook of negative graffiti to discuss the ethics and the impact it has.




Weekly Achievements


Each week during assembly, we present certificates for Good work, Value and use of Welsh. 


This week's award winners:


Gwaith Da (Good Work)  - 


Positive Values -   
Cymraeg - 




Home Learning


Our expectation are for the children to read daily at home. We check their reading records each Friday. Please help us monitor this by keeping this record up to date.


It is essential that pupils develop quick recall of their times tables. We have regular TT Rockstars sessions in school. Pupils can practice their tables in a variety of ways including logging in to Sumdog from home


Sumdog activities will also be set on a regular basis. Each time these are set, the children have 1 week to complete these.

Important Dates


Please visit the school calendar here and subscribe to 'Year 5' and 'Whole School' events.


Below are some of the upcoming events:


  • Christmas Sharing (It's A Census Get Me Out Here) - Wednesday 18th December (2pm and 5pm)


  • End of term - Thursday 19th December


  • Inset Day - Friday 20th December


  • Inset Day - Monday 6th January


  • Back to School - Tuesday 7th January















Important Documents

Year 5 Staff