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Sketty Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti

Be the best you can be!

Gwnewch eich gorau glas!

Year 1 - Blwyddyn 1

Welcome to the Year 1 Noticeboard




We hope you find the following information and photographs useful for keeping up to date with what is happening in your child's class.



We’ve had an exciting week in Year 1 filled with learning and creativity! In Literacy, the children continued their daily Read Write Inc. (RWI) sessions, making wonderful progress in their reading skills. We’re thrilled to see how beautifully they’ve been reading their independent books! A big thank you to all of you for your support in writing in the reading journals—it truly makes a difference. This week, the children also finished their fantastic descriptions of the characters from "The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch." Their imaginative ideas and expressive language have brought the characters to life!


In Maths, we focused on counting using a tens frame, and the children did brilliantly! They showed great understanding and enthusiasm, making it a fun and productive session.


We also completed our first Welsh carousel, where the children practiced responding to familiar Welsh patterns and questions such as 'Pwy wyt ti?' 'Sut wyt ti'n teimlo?' and 'Beth wyt ti'n hoffi bwyta?'. They had a blast playing fun Welsh yard games too, reinforcing their language skills in an engaging way!


Additionally, we celebrated Mental Health Day by wearing yellow to raise awareness. The children created thoughtful 'Mental Health Hearts' and wrote about what makes their mental health happy, fostering an important conversation about well-being.


As a reminder, Parents' Evening begins next week. If you haven't booked your appointment yet, please contact your child's class teacher via dojo, by Monday. As always thank you again for your brilliant support! Any questions or queries please don't hesitate to reach out to us as we're more than happy to help where we can.




The Year 1 Team






What have we been learning in class this week?


WK/B 7.10.24

Language, Literacy and Communication

Reading: Changing reading books and checking key words, RWI, Big Book, Reading Eggs, phonics games.


Speaking and Listening: News, morning challenge.

Writing: Writing about a character from our story.


Singing Sea Shanties for our class sharing.


Word of the week - Mental Health


Welsh-  Morning routines, weather chart, daily slot drilio, Ffa, la la songs. 


Patrwm yr wythnos:


Faint ydy dy oed?

Ble wyt ti'n byw?

Sut wyt ti?

Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?

Beth wyt ti'n hoffi fwyta?



Numeracy and Mathematics


Focus - Representing numbers using a tens grid.

Counting small amounts.


Provision- linked to counting, number formation, sorting, repeated pattern and place value

Health and Wellbeing

Daily check in and out.

Pupil of the Week- compliments.

Weekly achievement certificates.

SKIP- movement concepts

World Mental Health Day- Be kind to yourself love hearts.

Wear Yellow for World Mental Health Day- discussion and yellow treasure hunt.

Expressive Arts

Welsh and English songs

Mud kitchen role play 

Painting and collage

Cutting and sticking

Making lighthouses

Science and Technology

Ipads - Maths games, reading eggs, SEESAW





Weekly Achievements


Each week during assembly, we present certificates for Good work, Positive Values and speaking Welsh. The children give compliments to the Pupil of the Week.


This week's award winners:


                    Year 1 KP/SP                                                      Year 1 EJ                     
Gwaith Da (Good Work)Mahad BhattiAmelia Lingwood
Positive Values 

Freddie Spencer

Alex Galoppini
Pupil of the WeekCooper GallagherEsmae Jones
Cymraeg Award

Grace Albert


Charlie Razell


Home Learning


Please remember to listen to your child read and learn the new key words. Don't feel you have to read the entire book in one go. You could read alternate pages if that helps- it keeps the pace of the book going and you are modelling as you read.

Key words are so important. Write them on post-its- stick them everywhere and refer to them throughout the week- not just reading time, it all helps.


Please send in ALL reading books and folders on a daily basis please, thank you.


Writing numbers to 20, focusing on teen numbers and correct formation.



Important Dates


Please visit the school calendar here and subscribe to 'Year 1' and 'Whole School' events.



World Mental Health Day- children are invited to wear yellow- Thursday 10th October

Parents Evening-week beginning 14th October- more information to follow.

Shwmae Day- children are welcome to wear Welsh flag colours- Tuesday 15th October

Show Racism the Red card- children are welcome to wear red (even school uniform)- Friday 18th October

Year 1 Family Assembly-Wednesday 23rd October at 9.30

Trip to Bracelet Bay- am Friday 25th October- consent forms to follow shortly.

Break up for half term- Friday 25th October





















Year 1 Staff