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Sketty Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti

Be the best you can be!

Gwnewch eich gorau glas!

Year 1 - Blwyddyn 1

Welcome to the Year 1 Noticeboard




We hope you find the following information and photographs useful for keeping up to date with what is happening in your child's class.




Welcome back and a Happy New Year!


It’s been an extremely busy start to the year, and we’re so happy to have the children back with us after the holiday break! We've had a wonderful week filled with lots of learning and settling back into our routines.

This week, we’ve focused on language and literacy through our RWI assessments, ensuring we’re on track with our phonics progress. In Maths, we introduced Part Whole diagrams and revisited place value concepts, helping the children build a stronger foundation for future learning.


We also began our new topic, New Beginnings, with our ‘EPIC Planning’ session. The children had the opportunity to share their ideas and express what they would like to learn this term. They’ve come up with some fantastic suggestions, and we’re excited to explore their interests as we dive deeper into the topic.


This week has primarily been about settling back in and getting into a steady routine, but next week we’ll be jumping into more exciting activities! We will continue listening to readers and working in reading groups, further explore Part Whole diagrams, and start exploring the New Beginnings topic in more depth. The children will sort farm animals from wild animals, and we’ll also learn about the different seasons throughout the year.


We’re looking forward to another fantastic term of learning and growth!


Thank you for your continued support as always!




The Year 1 Team.




What have we been learning in class this week?


WK/B 6.12.25

Language, Literacy and Communication

Reading: Changing reading books and checking key words + RWI assessments


Speaking and Listening: News, morning challenge.


Word of the week - New Year's Resolution 


Welsh-  Morning routines, weather chart,  Ffa, la la songs. 


Patrwm yr wythnos:


Beth ydy'r amser?

Sut mae'r tywydd?

Ga i...... 


Numeracy and Mathematics


Focus - Part whole diagrams.


Provision-  counting, sorting, and place value games

Health and Wellbeing

Daily check in and out.

Pupil of the Week- compliments.

Weekly achievement certificates.

SKIP- movement concepts

Expressive Arts

Creating 2025 collages


Science and Technology


Ipads - Maths games (topmarks), SEESAW





Weekly Achievements


Each week during assembly, we present certificates for Good work, Positive Values and speaking Welsh. The children give compliments to the Pupil of the Week. 


This week's award winners:


                    Year 1 KP/SP                                                      Year 1 EJ                     
Gwaith Da (Good Work)N/AN/A
Positive Values 


Pupil of the WeekN/A Abi Holohan
Cymraeg Award




Home Learning


Please remember to listen to your child read and learn the new key words. Don't feel you have to read the entire book in one go. You could read alternate pages if that helps- it keeps the pace of the book going and you are modelling as you read.

Key words are so important. Write them on post-its- stick them everywhere and refer to them throughout the week- not just reading time, it all helps.


Please send in ALL reading books and folders on a daily basis please, thank you.


Writing numbers to 20, focusing on teen numbers and correct formation.

We are working on counting on from a given number- playing board games can really help with this.



Important Dates


Please visit the school calendar here and subscribe to 'Year 1' and 'Whole School' events.



17/01/25 - Dogs Trust assembly and workshop

20/01/25 - Martin Luther King Day

28/01/25 - Wear Orange for elders

03/02/25 - Children's Mental Health Week

11/02/25 - Safer Internet Day

13/02/25 - PTA Valentine's Disco





















Year 1 Staff