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Sketty Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti

Be the best you can be!

Gwnewch eich gorau glas!

Year 1 - Blwyddyn 1

Welcome to the Year 1 Noticeboard




We hope you find the following information and photographs useful for keeping up to date with what is happening in your child's class.



We have had such a lovely week this week. The children had a fantastic time on their trip to Manor Wildlife park. The children were so well behaved and had so much fun. Their favourite part was feeding the wallabies. This week the children have had the opportunity to create their own tune on the glockenspiel. They enjoyed creating a variety of tunes. We also had another visit from Otis the dog which the children have really been enjoying. On Friday, the children had the chance to meet their new class teacher which was very exciting and got to ask lots of questions about what they will be doing in Year 2.


Dates to remember: Wednesday 17th July at 2.45pm – Family assembly

                                      Friday 19th July – Last day of term









What have we been learning in class this week?


WK/B 8.7.24

Language, Literacy and Communication

Reading: Change reading books, RWI end of year assessment. Reading our class story - Where the wild things are- talk for writing. 


Speaking and Listening: News, morning challenge, assembly songs


Writing: Talk for writing, 'Where the Wild Things are' - Extended writing. 


Word of the week - Charity


Welsh-  Morning routines, daily slot drilio, singing, Tric a Chlic. Revision of previous patterns taught. Focus on incidental Welsh within the classroom,


Patrwm yr wythnos

Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?

Mae hi'n...


Numeracy and Mathematics


Focus - Maths assessment


Provision- Linked to time- bingo games, match analogue to digital

Topmarks - coin game- counting amounts


Health and Wellbeing

Daily check in and out.

Calm Cwtch- Emotion Coaching strategies/ self regulation.

Pupil of the week

Cosmic yoga

Dance fit

Outdoor games/parachute games


Expressive Arts

Creating a repeated tune using a glockenspiel

Welsh and English songs

Mud kitchen role play 

Painting and collage

Puppet area

Cutting and sticking 

Cafe role play

Wild Thing role play

Jungle role play

Ephemeral art- symmetrical butterflies



Science and Technology

Ipads - Maths games and reading eggs





Weekly Achievements


Each week during assembly, we present certificates for Good work, Positive Values and speaking Welsh. The children give compliments to the Pupil of the Week.


This week's award winners:


                    Year 1 KP/SP                                                      Year 1 SG/LOM                    
Gwaith Da (Good Work)Arthur ShoemarkAliyah Afzal
Positive Values 

Skye Willett

Raffi Pullin
Pupil of the Week  
Cymraeg Award





Home Learning


If you could read with your child and learn their key words we would really appreciate it.

Letter and number formation.

Writing teen numbers if appropriate

Counting in 10s, 5s and 2s

Quick recall of number bonds to 10 and 20


Telling the time on analogue and digital- o'clock and half past.

Reinforce left and right, full turn, half turn. Positional language and prepositions- on, under, in, behind, in front, beside, next to.

Coin recognition to £2 and ways to make small amounts using different coins.



Important Dates


Please visit the school calendar here and subscribe to 'Year 1' and 'Whole School' events.


Year 1 Family Assembly 17.7.24 at 2.45

End of term 19.7.24




















Year 1 Staff