Attendance / Presenoldeb
Local Authority Attendance Policy
Education Welfare Service - Attendance Letter to Parents
Reporting your child absent
Please contact the school immediately if your child is absent. You can either speak to the office staff or leave a message on the answer machine. Please do not report absence using class dojo as teacher's may not pick up the message in time. If no absence has been communicated to the school, our Attendance Officer will phone parent/carers.
The EWO tracks attendance carefully and contacts families where attendance is below an acceptable level. Please understand that children cannot reach their potential academically and socially if attendance is low.
Best Attendance - November
Congratulations to Year 3 NT who had the best attendance for the third month in a row. Da iawn pawb!
Our whole school attendance for November was 92.3% which is significant dip on the last two months. If you your child is unwell, please remember to contact the school office to inform us.
Best Attendance - October
Congratulations to Year 3 NT who had the best attendance for the month of October.
Our whole school attendance for October was 94.6% which is slightly down on last month.
Best Attendance - September
Congratulations to Year 3 NT who had the best attendance for the month of September.
Our whole school attendance for September was 95.1% which is a great start to the new academic year.