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Sketty Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti

Be the best you can be!

Gwnewch eich gorau glas!

Year 3 - Blwyddyn 3

Croeso i Blwyddyn 3

Welcome to Year 3


Welcome to the Year 3 homepage, here you will find information about what the children have been doing in class this week. The page will be updated every Friday.



Year 3 Team


What have we been learning in class this week?

Updated 21/6/24



Language, Literacy and Communication


Literacy focus
Persuasive writing - Can you design  and create a persuasive leaflet all about Ysgol Sgeti, a school of sanctuary and refuge.  A place where everyone is welcome.

Sumdog spelling challenges


Welsh focus -

Darllen/Reading:welsh - Pod Antur- Y Ffair


Patrwm yr wythnos:-

Beth wyt ti'n hoffi i ginio?

Beth wyt ti ddim yn hoffi i ginio?

Ga i..........


Ffa La la Songs -

Mae'n amser Tacluco.

Mae hi'n amser cinio.

Mae'n amser mynd adref.

Beth wyt ti'n wneud?

Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?



Class novel -


Stitch Head

Mr Penguin and the lost treasure.

The nothing to see here hotel


Reading -

No Outsiders Book - 

International Day of Welcome story -Bobble.

Nature Trail - Refugee Week - No Outsiders



Reading carousel

Darllen Cymraeg



Numeracy and Mathematics


Data and statistics

HOT TASK -Sequencing

Tally charts

Bar charts

Keep-fit-a-thon planning

National Test assessments

Sumdog and times table practise


Science and Technology

Technology - J2E

Techno Camps - Scratch


Planning a science investigation


Sumdog and TT Rockstars


Blooket -  maths



Health and Wellbeing

PE - small competitive team games


Language of the month- Arabic


Pupil Planning - Keepfitathon


Expressive Arts

Music - Ukulele and PBuzz

Welsh singing

Welsh assembly sharing-

Sut Mae'r Tywydd Heddiw?- Ffa La La 





Wonderful Wetlands

What are Wetlands?

Food chains

Life cycles


Where in the world is Ysgol Sgeti

Refugee Week

Day of Welcome





Important Dates




Please visit the school calendar here and subscribe to 'Year 3' and 'Whole School' events.


Year 3 Staff