Year 3 - Blwyddyn 3
Croeso i Blwyddyn 3
Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 homepage, here you will find information about what the children have been doing in class this week. The page will be updated every Friday.
Year 3 Team
What have we been learning in class this week?
Updated 4/10/24
Language, Literacy and Communication |
Literacy focus - chronological order and sequencing events.
World Poetry Day, Count on your body, Mark Bird. Creating our own poems.
Welsh focus - Sut mae'r tywydd Heddiw - oracy and reading
Dyma fi! Pwy wyt ti? Sut wyt ti'n teimlo? Faint ydy dy oed di? Pryd mae dy benblwydd di?.
Patrwm yr wythnos:- Sut mae'r Tywydd Heddiw? Sut mae'r tywydd ddoe?
Ffa La la Songs - Mae'n amser Tacluco. Mae hi'n amser cinio. Mae'n amser mynd adref.
Class Story -Charlie and the chocolate factory
National tests, reading
Reading carousel
Darllen Cymraeg - Pod Antur
Spelling Please click this link to take you to the spellings page
Numeracy and Mathematics | Place Value
Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones
Representing numbers to 1000, including expanded form, physical objects (base 10, unifix). Number words Number lines Missing numbers Estimating on a number line
Multiplication tables -x2, x5, x10, x3
Sumdog skills practise.
National tests: procedural and reasoning. |
Science and Technology | Technology - I can log in to accounts and websites with developing confidence and independence. The basics of a Chromebook
Health and Wellbeing | PE - small competitive team games
Language of the month-
Children's Rights - The Rights of children in the Victorian era.
Recycling assembly - environmental awarenes |
Expressive Arts | Music - Ukulele
Welsh singing - Ffa La La
Humanities | History
Comparing sources of evidence. Identifying changes in the landscape of the copper work sites.
Important Dates
Please visit the school calendar here and subscribe to 'Year 3' and 'Whole School' events.