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Sketty Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti

Be the best you can be!

Gwnewch eich gorau glas!

Camhs Parental workshop - Monday 4th December

Camhs Parental workshop - Monday 4th December  


We are excited to once again be working with Camhs In Reach service this year, to deliver training and workshop to parents, staff and children.  


Our next workshop is Monday 4th December at 3.30pm (venue to be confirmed). This session, we will be focusing on Emotional Regulation. We would love to see as many parents there as possible.


The session should last an hour and we can offer childcare to enable as many parents to come as possible. If you would like to take up this opportunity, please can you let Mrs Miller know the number of childcare places required by Friday 1st December, so she can arrange staffing (by phoning the school or by emailing Mrs Miller on  


Many thanks and we look forward to seeing you on the 4th December.