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Sketty Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti

Be the best you can be!

Gwnewch eich gorau glas!

Eco News: February Battery Collection Winners

Congratulations to Miss Rees' class, Y2ER. They have won the battery collection competition for February by collecting an amazing amount of batteries. They managed to collect 609! Well done, another amazing effort.

We are now part of Duracell's Big Battery Collection Scheme and are currently 45th on the UK leader board! 

We will be counting the next lot early, as we break up on 22nd, so only 2 weeks left for this month. It is shocking, that as a society, we use so many batteries but at least we are doing our bit to stop them ending up in landfill so please keep sending them into us.

Thank you again for your support.

Mrs Palmer and the Eco Committee