Message from our Director of Education regarding Covid and Schools
Dear Parent / Carer,
I want to provide you with a short update as we approach the end of the Spring term and enter the last term of this academic year.
First of all, I want to thank you for your continuing support. These past two years have been enormously challenging for you, your children, teachers and all staff connected with our schools. Your assistance has been key in ensuring education services have been there for our young people during the pandemic and now, as we move on from it.
The last half-term has once again put extra pressure on our schools who have worked hard to ensure face-to-face learning continues as far as possible, despite staff shortages across many our schools. As officers, we see daily the effort that goes in from headteachers and their staff to keep our learners on site and I thank them for all they continue to do.
The Welsh Government has confirmed that as a minimum, a face covering should continue to be worn by secondary aged learners/ staff when moving around communal areas. This requirement will be reviewed by the Welsh Government after Easter. The Local COVID-19 infection control decision framework for schools sets out arrangements for the delivery of learning in schools and enables us to tailor interventions to reflect local risks and circumstances. I am pleased to confirm that for the return of pupils after Easter we will move to operate at a LOW alert level. In practical terms, this would place schools in a similar situation to the general public.
It is important we continue to wash our hands regularly and get the vaccine when offered. Please remember, if your child has any of the three key symptoms, please do not send your child to school, they should self-isolate and take a lateral flow test (LFT). You can order LFTs online or call 119 between 7am and 11pm (calls are free). They should continue to self-isolate until they get their LFT test result.
As always, if you have any questions, please get in touch with your child’s teacher or headteacher for further advice and support.
Thank you all once again for your continual support to our schools.
Helen Morgan-Rees
Director of Education