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Sketty Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Sgeti

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Neurodivergence webinars for Parents/ carers

The Wales National Neurodivergence Team are launching a programme of free virtual advice sessions specifically for parents and carers of neurodivergent children, young people and adults.


These sessions will take place once a month, and each will focus on a particular ND-related topic - forthcoming sessions include: Advocating For Your Child; Supporting Siblings; Managing Meltdowns; Anxiety Management and Supporting ND Children in School.


The format of the sessions will reflect that of the Community of Practice sessions, comprising a presentation on the topic, followed by a Q&A. The presentation part of the session will be uploaded to the Autism Wales website shortly afterwards.


The first Parents & Carers Virtual Advice Session, Autism & Family Dynamics, will be delivered by Professor Tony Attwood on Wednesday the 20th of March, 9:30-11:30am


For further information, please see the attached flyer. Here is a link for parents to sign up to the webinar: